“Moral Orel tells the story of 12-year-old Orel Puppington, alongside his alcoholic father, Clay, cleaning-obsessed mother, Bloberta, and 7-year-old brother, Shapey, who live in the town of Moralton, Statesota. Orel is a devout Protestant, though in his pursuit to be a good Christian, he often misconstrues the lessons taught to him by the Reverend Putty, his father, and other townsfolk. The show chronicles Orel’s attempts to deal with the repressed adults in town, as well as his attempts to keep his faith in a world of cynicism, hypocrisy, and hate. Hot dog, it truly is a compelling show. Moral Orel will forever be cherished by many fans and will continue to impact future generations.” - Team Orel

SEASON ONE (10 Episodes)

Episode One: The Lord’s Greatest Gift

The Lord’s Greatest Gift

“I conjure Thee by the fire of Girra, and by the lights of Shammash. In the name of the Covenant, come and rise up before me! Ia mass ssaratu! Barrgolomoloneth kia!”

Release Date: 01/23/2006

Length: 11:56

Episode Synopsis: After listening to Reverend Putty's sermon that life is God's greatest gift, Orel believes that everyone buried in the cemetery is disrespecting God. In order to fix this, he and Doughy begin raising the dead with the Necronomicon.


Lost 11th Commandment: Thou shalt be ashamed of thy natural anatomy.

Lost (unnumbered) Commandment: Spare the rod and spoil the child. (Note: Seen in several other episodes in Clay’s study.)


Episode Two: God’s Chef

God’s Chef

“Number one - gold like God made the Sun.

Number two - good Lord help me go poo.

Number three - the Devil sets my sperm free.”

Release Date: 07/31/2006

Length: 11:18

Episode Synopsis: After Orel gets caught masturbating, Principal Fakey and Reverend Putty inform him that spilling his seed is a sin. Later, Clay tells Orel about "God's Chef", a figure who comes down from Heaven and injects women with his 'delicious glaze' while they're asleep. Orel then concludes that in order to continue his new hobby without going to Hell, he must take on the role of God's Chef, which leads to disastrous results.

Church Marquee Gag: LATIN — And why it’s the Devil’s Language

Lost 12th Commandment: Thou shalt only have sex face to face, man on top.


Episode Three: Charity


“Crack is a gateway to slang.”

Release Date: 02/06/2006

Length: 11:35

Episode Synopsis: Orel learns that all good Christians should help the poor, which leads him to befriending a crack dealer behind Sal's Corner Store. This eventually leads to Orel's newfound crack addiction.

Church Marquee Gag: REMINDER:




Lost 13th Commandment: Thou shalt not bastardize the American language.


Episode Four: Waste

Release Date: 01/30/2006

Length: 11:35

Episode Synopsis: During breakfast, Bloberta informs Orel that God hates waste. Later, at a Pious Scouts camping trip, Orel learns that you can drink your urine to survive if necessary. Not wanting to waste anything, Orel begins drinking his own urine.

Lost 14th Commandment: Thou shalt always clean thy plate and not waste anything, whether thy stomach is full or not.


“Yeah, but I wouldn’t wanna waste it. That’s a sin.”


Episode Five: The Blessed Union

The Blessed Union

“Well, in this town, I guess I could’ve used someone like me when I was your height. Okay kid, I’m gonna give you a Prince Albert.”

Release Date: 02/20/2006

Length: 11:44

Episode Synopsis: Orel learns that men should keep their wives happy in order for God to listen to their prayers more easily. He asks several people for advice, which eventually leads him to Moralton's only sex shop, owned by a pierced lady named Stephanie.



Episode Six: Omnipresence


“I'm surprised at you, Orel. You know that only God and the government can decide who lives and who dies.”

Release Date: 02/13/2006

Length: 10:52

Episode Synopsis: Bloberta teaches Orel that God is everywhere, including in himself. With this knowledge, he begins to go around town attempting to save and heal people.

Church Marquee Gag: “All Aboard the Censorship”

- Admiral God


Episode Seven: God-Fearing


“If you pray, you get your way. If you hope, the answer’s nope.”

Release Date: 02/27/2006

Length: 11:36

Episode Synopsis: Orel is upset that he can't get scared for Halloween, because he has no reason to be scared when he has God on his side. However, when he hears Reverend Putty's sermon about repenting, he decides that there's only one way to be scared on Halloween; get God to hate him by breaking all of the Ten Commandments.

Church Marquee Gag: THE HOLY GHOST:



Episode Eight: Loyalty


“I want you to meet my new friend, Joe. I’m gonna practice some loyalty on him.”

Release Date: 05/22/2006

Length: 10:59

Episode Synopsis: Before going to church, Orel is introduced to a new boy called Joe, who happens to be Coach Stopframe's nephew. During the day's sermon, Orel learns that you should be loyal to all of your friends. He decides to practice his loyalty with Joe, who convinces Orel to partake in several sociopathic activities.


Lost 18th Commandment: Thou shalt be loyal to all thy friends at the same time.


Episode Nine: Maturity


“Oh son, behaving like a grown up is many things. First and foremost, it means doing things that you hate doing.”

Release Date: 05/15/2006

Length: 11:37 (11:44 uncut)

Episode Synopsis: After Orel gets injured by Shapey's BB gun, Clay tells him that he needs to be more mature as he's the older sibling. Taking Clay's advice to learn more about maturity from other adults in Moralton, Orel observes people inside Forghetti's Pub drinking away their problems. This leads Orel to believe that in order to act like an adult, he must drink 'maturity juice'.

Lost 19th Commandment: Thou shall not masturbate.


Episode Ten: The Best Christmas Ever!

The Best Christmas Ever!

“Boy, God. This sure didn’t turn out to be the best Christmas ever. But you still have two minutes left, and…I have faith in you".”

Release Date: 12/14/2005

Length: 11:46 (11:54 uncut)

Episode Synopsis: At the Church's Christmas Eve sermon, Orel learns that Jesus will eventually return to Earth, and that he might even be here right now, but he won't be as nice as before. Later, after overhearing an argument between his parents, he believes that Shapey is the Second Coming of Christ.



SEASON TWO (Twenty Episodes)

Episode One: God’s Image

God’s Image

“Well, if you ask me, which you never do, I’d say that God wants different people to be separated from us, Orel. That’s why he put Europe all the way over wherever he put it.”

Release Date: 11/13/2006

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: At Church, Billy Figurelli gets his hand cut by glass, so Orel gives him a bandage for it. However, he notices that the bandage isn't the same color as Billy's skin, but that it's the same color as his and his other friends' skin. After reflecting on an earlier comment from Bloberta and Reverend Putty's sermon about 'God's image', he decides that Moralton needs to segregate the Figurellis.



Episode Two: Love


“Love is a very beautiful, very intense feeling for a startling short period of time. Before long, you realize it gets in the way of the important things in life; like, just going to sleep or being left alone. That's when love starts fading and lies kick in.”

Release Date: 11/20/2006

Length: 11:45

Episode Synopsis: During a family outing at the park, Orel encounters and adopts a stray dog, who he names Bartholomew. At church, Orel learns that you should love Jesus more than anything, but he later realizes that he might love Bartholomew more than Jesus.


Episode Three: Satan


“Ugh, I cannot get naked with these people.”

Release Date: 11/27/2006

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: In an attempt to gain Clay's affection, Coach Stopframe turns to a group of Satanists who will help him with a love acquisition ritual if he brings a virgin to their next meeting. Unfortunately, he decides that the perfect candidate for the ritual is Orel.


Episode Four: Elemental Orel

Elemental Orel

“Well someone better own up to it. This virginity isn’t going to lose itself.”

Release Date: 12/04/2006

Length: 11:22

Episode Synopsis: When the church's donation tray money gets stolen, Orel takes on the role of a detective to try and find out who did it. In the process, he stumbles upon an even bigger mystery involving Bloberta.

Church Marquee Gag: DIRTINESS IS NEXT TO DEVILISHNESS (Note: In some shots, particularly when Marionetta is in frame, the word “Devilishness” appears as “Devilin___”. The rest of this new word is unknown as it cannot be seen in the episode. It’s most likely “Deviliness”, lacking the “sh”, but it can’t be confirmed at the moment.)


Episode Five: Offensiveness


“We shouldn’t tolerate evil just because it’s convenient.”

Release Date: 12/11/2006

Length: 11:44

Episode Synopsis: Miss Censordoll, Moralton's resident librarian and picketer, teaches Orel how to be offended. Things take a turn when Orel learns where eggs come from.


Episode Six: God’s Blunders

God’s Blunders

“You see, God loves everyone, even the stupid and retarded, like these poor children, because as hard as it may be to believe, God wants them this stupid.”

Release Date: 12/18/2006

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: Orel's friend Tommy can't seem to understand Reverend Putty's science lessons, and even fails his IQ test. This leads to him being put into Diorama Elementary's special needs class.

Lost (unnumbered) Commandment: The Lord works in mysterious ways.


Episode Seven: Pleasure


“If you lose the ability to feel fear and pain, you lose the ability to learn.”

Release Date: 01/08/2007

Length: 11:21

Episode Synopsis: Orel learns from Reverend Putty's sermon that all pleasures are the work of the Devil, so he decides to cut out everything that makes him happy. After having a wet dream about God congratulating him on being good, he begins to inflict pain on himself to counteract his pleasure.



Episode Eight: The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

“-Yes, sir. And Christina’s such a beautiful name.

-That’s because of what it means. It means ‘tiny, little, female Christ’.”

Release Date: 01/15/2007

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: A new family, the Posabules, move in next door to the Puppingtons. The two families discover that they have a lot in common, and Orel even develops a crush on the Posabule daughter, Christina. However, things get heated when the families use two different versions of the Lord's Prayer during dinner.

Lost 21st Commandment: Get it right!


Episode Nine: Holy Visage

Holy Visage

“-Then how do you make excuses for when people die on you?

-I take full responsibility.

-(whistles) What an ego.”

Release Date: 01/22/2007

Length: 11:44

Episode Synopsis: On a bus ride back from Ripperly's, a Jewish doctor named Dr. Chosenberg gets a spiky Jesus wiggleneck impaled into his side after the bus nearly crashes. The hospital staff refuse to treat his injury, as they and everyone else in Moralton believe it to be a miracle since the wound is in the shape of Jesus.


Episode Ten: Be Fruitful and Multiply

Be Fruitful and Multiply

“Well, I think that as long as you have at least one of those "F" words in your life, you can't be lonely.”

Release Date: 01/29/2007

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: Orel finally gets Stephanie, an atheist, to go to church with him. At church, Reverend Putty notices her, and sick of being alone, tries to get her to go out with him. During a lunch date, Putty receives some very shocking news.


Episode Eleven: Praying


“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of that candle will not be shortened.”

Release Date: 04/30/2007

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: Orel is put under tons of pressure when Diorama Elementary makes it into the state Praying Bee championship. He is forced to practice praying every day, until he sprains his hands from too much prayer. After talking to Stephanie about the pressure he's under, Orel begins to use incense and meditation to relieve his stress, which angers Clay.


Episode Twelve: Repression


“-But how can he repress it?

-By realizing the age old secret; repression is the antidote to the apple.”

Release Date: 05/07/2007

Length: 11:11

Episode Synopsis: Principal Fakey feels guilty because he's having an affair with Nurse Bendy. After talking to Clay about authority figures, Orel decides to help Principal Fakey out by teaching him about repression.


Lost 29th Commandment: Everything’s fine!


Episode Thirteen: Turn the Other Cheek

Turn the Other Cheek

“Orel, a father never gives up on his son, because then he's not really a father, and if I'm not a father, all I really am is a husband, and that's practically worthless.”

Release Date: 05/21/2007

Length: 11:14

Episode Synopsis: Orel listens to a record that says you should turn the other cheek, as the meek will inherit the world. At school, Orel allows Walt the bully to continually beat him up, as he believes he's teaching Walt about the Bible by turning the other cheek.


Episode Fourteen: Geniusis


“-It’s simple, Orel. All you need in order to teach is a little intimidation.

-And fear!”

Release Date: 05/28/2007

Length: 11:43

Episode Synopsis: While on a Pious Scouts camping trip, Orel and Doughy discover the Missing Link frozen in ice. The town later decides to convert the Missing Link to Christianity and teach him the concept of 'Geniusis'.


Episode Fifteen: Courtship


“Boy Orel, I sure do have a great life! Always getting to do what I want and never having to worry about getting germs from hugging my parents or anything.”

Release Date: 06/04/2007

Length: 11:36

Episode Synopsis: When Orel mentions to Doughy that his parents neglect him and never call him their son, Doughy becomes sad that they don't care about him. In class the next day, Doughy develops a crush on their teacher, Miss Sculptham, after she calls him 'son' while returning a paper. At the same time, it appears that someone else is vying for Doughy's attention.


Episode Sixteen: School Pageant

School Pageant

“Oh…my…God. I. AM A GOOD. WRITER!

Release Date: 06/11/2007

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: Orel tries out for the role of Jesus in the school play "Crooning Jesus", written by forgotten ex-Crucifolk member Dale Armature. Little does he know that Junior Christein is also trying out for the role of Jesus.


Episode Seventeen: Presents for God

Presents for God

“-Uh…excuse me sir. Might I interest you in having your soul saved from eternal damnation? It’s for a really good cause.

-Thanks, sonny, but I’m already saved. You see…I’m a catholic.”

Release Date: 06/25/2007

Length: 11:22

Episode Synopsis: At church, Reverend Putty explains that the best gift you can give to God is saving a lost soul, shortly before becoming despondent as there are no souls left in Moralton for him to save. Wanting to cheer him up, Orel and Doughy decide to venture into Sinville to search for lost souls for Putty to save.



Episode Eighteen: Orel’s Movie Premiere

Orel’s Movie Premiere

“-Is his dad molesting him?


Release Date: 07/02/2007

Length: 10:48

Episode Synopsis: Orel invites several of Moralton's authority figures to a screening of his homemade stop motion film. Things go off the rails when Joe interrupts the screening and starts insulting everyone.


Episode Nineteen: Nature


“-Oh, that’s my favorite lucky shirt!


-Yeah. Of all my lucky shirts, this one’s the closest to my heart. It’s the one I was wearing when I realized that God doesn’t love just me, but my whole family as much as me!”

Release Date: 07/09/2007

Length: 11:21

Episode Synopsis: Clay decides to take Orel on a father and son hunting trip. As the trip goes on, Clay grows more and more frustrated as Orel can't deal with the idea of shooting an animal.


Episode Twenty: Nature - Part 2

Nature - Part 2

“It’s because you become a bad person when you drink!”

Release Date: 07/16/2007

Length: 11:46

Episode Synopsis: Orel confronts Clay about his drinking problem. Later, Orel becomes seriously injured after an accident.

ADDITIONAL FACT: This episode is dedicated to John Cassavetes, a film director.


SEASON THREE (Thirteen Episodes)

Please Note: Season Three can be watched ONE of TWO ways.

One way to watch is how the episodes were released to the public (listed below).

The second way is to watch the season in chronological order (which we suggest to do for the best viewing experience).

To watch the season in chronological order, watch the episodes in this order:

1) Innocence (E3)

2) Grounded (E2)

3) Passing (E8)

4) Closeface (E9)

5) Trigger (E5)

6) Alone (E4)

7) Dumb (E6)

8) Numb (E1)

9) Help (E7)

10) Sundays (E8)

11) Sacrifice (E11)

12) Nesting (E12)

13) Honor (E13)


Episode One: Numb


“I need you. I have this feeling.”

Release Date: 10/10/2008

Length: 11:45

Episode Synopsis: While Clay and Orel are away on the hunting trip, Bloberta tries to feel pleasure in order to fill a void in her numb and emotionless life. She turns to a large power drill, with horrific results.


Episode Two: Grounded


“I AM a church!”

Release Date: 04/01/2008 (10/14/2008 officially)

Length: 11:36

Episode Synopsis: When Orel makes a mess in the bathroom, Clay decides to ground him from church for a month. Slowly, Orel's mental health deteriorates and he eventually goes insane. After a near-death experience, Orel tries to kill himself in order to get closer to God.


Episode Three: Innocence


“Damned is right. The next person that inadvertently sends Orel Puppington down the wrong path could be responsible for damning all our souls.”

Release Date: 10/17/2008

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: The townspeople agree to stop giving Orel advice after they realize the song he was singing in the school pageant was blasphemous. Several townsfolk pass Orel off to someone else after he comes to ask them for advice, in fear of telling him something he'll misinterpret and damn all of their souls.


Episode Four: Alone


“I am not holier-than-thou, mother. But I am holier than you.”

Release Date: 10/22/2008

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: Three Moralton women, Nurse Bendy, Miss Sculptham, and Miss Censordoll, live an isolated life in the Aloneford. As the night goes on, more and more about their disturbed lives are revealed.


Episode Five: Trigger


“Gosh, who would’ve thought that bringing a loaded gun to school could be such a disaster?”

Release Date: 10/24/2008

Length: 11:19

Episode Synopsis: Doughy is once again neglected and ignored by his parents, and becomes depressed when he observes several kids hanging out with their fathers. Later, after discovering he's good at shooting a gun, Clay gives Doughy the task of teaching Orel how to shoot before their hunting trip. After Clay gives him praise and tells Orel that he'll take Doughy on the trip instead if he doesn't learn, Doughy does his best to make sure Orel doesn't learn how to shoot.


Episode Six: Dumb


“Are you afraid of being old, Joe?”

Release Date: 10/30/2008

Length: 11:43

Episode Synopsis: Joe is upset and acts out all the time because his mother died in childbirth and his aging father is unable to be a part of his life. He attempts to find another parental figure that can actually spend time with him.


Episode Seven: Help


“Why not?”

Release Date: 11/05/2008

Length: 11:46

Episode Synopsis: When Orel asks Bloberta why she married Clay, she reflects on how they met. In the flashback, Bloberta nudges Clay to do something he's never done before.


Episode Eight: Passing


“You're not even worth it.”

Release Date: 11/07/2008

Length: 11:46

Episode Synopsis: While considering handing down Ol' Gunny to Orel, Clay flashes back to when he was a child. Young Clay learns about his mother's secret, and he doesn't take it well.

Lost 38th Commandment: Thou shalt never hold a gun without anyone to shoot at.

Lost 63rd Commandment: Thou shalt never forget thy loaded a gun when thou has an innocent child in the house.


Episode Nine: Closeface


“I don't know how much she weighs, but she's as big as I can see.”

Release Date: 11/12/2008

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: Orel can't decide who to take to the school's annual Arms-Length Dance. Meanwhile, Stephanie reflects on her time with 'Closeface'.


Episode Ten: Sundays


“-Boy, you’re full of hope, aren’t ya?

-I hope so!

-Hmm, hope.”

Release Date: 11/14/2008

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: The 'friendship' between two side characters, Dottie and Florence, is explored through a year's worth of Sundays. Florence develops an attraction to Reverend Putty, and constantly tries to get his attention.


Episode Eleven: Sacrifice


“Where are you all going?! Get back here! You come back here! Show me that you have one ounce of testosterone between the three of you!”

Release Date: 11/18/2008

Length: 11:46

Episode Synopsis: At Forghetty's Pub, Clay rants about the sacrifices he makes for his family. As he gets more and more drunk, he begins to make fun of the sorrows of the other patrons.


Episode Twelve: Nesting


“No, Orel, eggs are life. Nesting is life, hunting is death. It’s what our good mayor runs this town on, not life."

Release Date: 11/20/2008

Length: 11:47

Episode Synopsis: Miss Censordoll decides to run for mayor in order to make eggs legal again. Clay realizes that he has a dark and disgusting secret.


Episode Thirteen: Honor


“Orel, somehow, in his own blundering way, your father made you, and that’s honorable.”

Release Date: 12/19/2008

Length: 12:02

Episode Synopsis: Orel tries to figure out what's honorable about his father. He is ultimately directed to Coach Stopframe, and the two begin to bond and spend time together.

4th Commandment (Rewritten by Clay): Honor thy father and mother.



Episode Name: Beforel Orel: Trust

Beforel Orel: Trust

“-Just know that you can always trust me.

-I know, grandpa, because I don’t need proof to trust you.

-And why is that?

-Because you’re my grandpa!”

Release Date: 11/20/2012

Length: 24:04

Episode Synopsis: A 4-year old Orel knows nothing about the world or how it works. After spending time with his grandfather, learning about the concept of 'proof', and witnessing the birth of Shapey, he begins to question whether or not God truly exists.

Church Marquee Gag #1: GIDEON BIBLE YOUTH CLUB: THE ITTY BITTY GIDDY COMMITTEE MEETING THIS WEDNESDAY. (seen in the first shot of the church)

Church Marquee Gag #2: YES, JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SINS, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN GO NUTS. (seen as Orel brings Shapey to the church)


Episode Name: Abstinence


“Oh, I’m a real natural at sabotaging a romantic moment. You wanna hire me?”

Release Date: Unaired (01/18/2009 at San Diego Sketchfest)

Length: 12:10

Episode Synopsis: Doughy is hired by Farmer Phoneycrops to be a cock-blocker, where he stops roosters from fertilizing chicken eggs. He later takes it one step further and prevents Moralton residents from making love.


REVEREND PUTTY SERMONS (Adultswim.com shorts)

Short Name: Laziness

Release Date: 09/12/2014

Length: 01:54

Short Synopsis: Reverend Putty exclaims that plants and animals are mooching off the Lord, and says that even Jesus agrees that “flowers are freeloaders”. He then goes on a rant about how the creation of dessert led humanity to stop interacting with nature.

Church Marquee Gag: You can’t spell “evolution” without “evil” spelled wrong.


“Just look at all the birds and bugs and animals out there mooching off of our Lord, it’s pathetic! Even Jesus agreed…and he was the liberal in the family.”


Short Name: Gay Guys

Release Date: 09/19/2014

Length: 02:03

Short Synopsis: Reverend Putty begins his sermon talking about how he used to do comedy with a partner that he suspects was gay. He goes on to explain why he thinks being gay is a sin, while constantly claiming that he isn’t homophobic, nor is he gay himself.

Church Marquee Gag: Crosses scare vampires, not moons or stars! Case closed.

Gay Guys

“I didn’t even know he was gay, that’s how straight I am. Never crossed my mind.”


Short Name: Old Age

Release Date: 09/26/2014

Length: 01:55

Short Synopsis: Reverend Putty complains about how people will eventually grow old and die, and questions why people should even be able to grow old if they’ll end up being immortal in Heaven. He also claims that God is spoiled for being immortal without having to grow old first.

Church Marquee Gag: Thunder is God angrily telling us that lightning just happened.

Old Age

“I mean, when I get a pain anywhere, I pray it’s just arthritis. That’s right, JUST ARTHRITIS!


Short Name: Cuteness

Release Date: 10/03/2014

Length: 01:49

Short Synopsis: Reverend Putty explains that he hates babies because they’re cute. He also claims that the feelings people get from seeing cute things are sinful.

Church Marquee Gag: Yes, the Jews had the Old Testament first, but at least we can put the “O” in “God” without getting in trouble.


“Why? Because reacting all googly-eyed to a cute thing is basically the same as being lustful or gay or something!”


Short Name: Necrophilia

Release Date: 10/10/2014

Length: 01:50

Short Synopsis: Reverend Putty expresses his belief that necrophilia is alright since no one is getting hurt. He also goes on a rant about a woman he tried to pick up.

Church Marquee Gag: We might not have a pope, but our Jesus could beat the living crap out of Catholic Jesus.


“I mean, no one’s hurting anyone. The opposite, actually! Some poor loser’s finally gettin’ some action, albeit with a corpse.”


Raped: The script was posted on Dino Stamatopoulos’s Myspace profile. The episode was supposed to take place in the second half of the third season, confirmed by the appearance of Arthur Puppington.

Download a PDF of the script for “Raped” here:


Narcissism: This scrapped episode was to take place after the events of Sundays. It was first revealed on August 18, 2013 through an event called “Everything is Show” at the Silent Movie Theater in Los Angeles, where cast and crew reunited for a one-off reading of the not-produced “Raped” and “Narcissism” scripts. These readings were accompanied by the official puppets from the show. In 2018, reddit user rayword45 was sent a PDF of the script, and later released it online.

Download a PDF of the script for “Narcissism” here: